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Voting & Elections 03.21.2018

Texas AG Looks To Block Student Voting

Texans take pride in doing things big, and apparently in the case of Attorney General Ken Paxton, doing things wrong.

Voting & Elections 03.20.2018

Washington State Expands Access to the Ballot Box

In the “other” Washington, the one that brought us Starbucks and Amazon, there’s good news today for our democracy.

Voting & Elections 03.14.2018

Remand of Georgia Voter Roll Purges By 11th Circuit Court of Appeals a Victory for Voters

The 11th Circuit’s remand of Georgia’s voter roll purges is a victory for Georgia and for democracy. Common Cause Georgia is encouraged with the news of our voter roll purge case against Secretary of State Brian Kemp. Our state should not be using random criteria to remove legally registered voters from the voter rolls.

Voting & Elections 03.1.2018

Good News From States on Voting Issues

There’s some encouraging news from several states this morning about voting rights and voting security.

Voting & Elections 02.23.2018

Common Cause Pennsylvania Concludes Analysis of New Congressional Maps – Finds No Violations of Voting Rights Act

Common Cause Pennsylvania announced that after further analysis they have found no violations of the Voting Rights Act in the new congressional map issued by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Feb. 19.

Census Nominee Withdrawal Presents Opportunity for Professionals to Oversee Accurate Count

The American public must have confidence in the leadership of Census Bureau to ensure everyone is counted accurately. Public outrage met reports that Thomas Brunell would be named deputy director, a slot that does not require Senate confirmation, but that he would in fact lead the Census. The controversy was well founded. Brunell’s controversial background as an academic who regular testified in support Republican gerrymanders would have politicized the national headcount.

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