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In Putin Meeting Trump Reportedly Moves on Quickly from 2016 Russian Election Attack

It is troubling President Trump appears more comfortable talking to President Vladimir Putin behind closed doors than to the American people about the well-documented intrusion by Russia into US elections in 2016. The attack on our democracy by the Russian government appears to have been given short shrift during the meeting.

Voting & Elections 07.7.2017

Texas Back-Step

There’s unsettling news from the Lone Star State today; after fighting for years to overturn Texas’ vote suppressing voter identification law, the Justice Department has filed a legal brief supporting and urging a judge to uphold the state’s revised ID requirements.

Voting & Elections 07.5.2017

A Welcome Assertion of States' Rights

In the past week, as the Trump administration has sought an array of personal information about voters from state government databases, a bipartisan and nationwide assortment of state officials has undertaken a welcome and very constitutional defense of states’ rights to resist federal overreach.

Voting & Elections 06.30.2017

DOJ & Pence-Kobach Commission Voter Roll Requests Raise Red Flags

The Pence-Kobach Commission’s and Department of Justice’s letters seeking information from election administrators are telling signs of a coordinated, partisan effort to remove eligible voters from registration rolls.

Voting & Elections 06.29.2017

Voting Rights Remain Far From Secure

Advancing voting rights, once a bipartisan objective, has fallen victim to intense partisan gridlock following the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, a ruling that effectively gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA).

Voting & Elections 06.22.2017

Voting Rights Advancement Act Needed in Wake of Attacks on Voting Rights

The fundamental right of every American to vote has been under attack since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in its Shelby County decision. It is more than symbolic that today’s reintroduction of the Voting Rights Advancement Act comes just days before the fourth anniversary of that decision; it is desperately needed to stem the rising tide of voter intimidation and suppression efforts enacted across the country.

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