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Voting & Elections 09.30.2016

Should we ban the selfie at the ballot box?

A federal appeals court has cleared New Hampshire voters to take selfies with their completed ballots on Election Day. The three-judge panel in Boston upheld a lower court ruling that found the 2014 state law banning the practice unconstitutional.

Voting & Elections 09.22.2016

Tuning In & Turning Out

From the Occupy Movement to Black Lives Matter and the strong support thousands of us gave to Sen. Bernie Sanders, it’s clear that the Millennial generation is tuned into politics.

Voting & Elections 09.20.2016

New Millennial Voting Report Examines Opportunities & Obstacles for Generation that Now Outnumbers Baby Boomers

Today, Common Cause released a new report on youth voting trends, opportunities and obstacles faced by Millennials as they seek to make their voices heard in the 2016 election. Millennials have overtaken Baby Boomers to become the largest generation of living Americans but youth voter turnout lagged far behind their older counterparts in 2012 (38% to 63.4%).

Voting & Elections 09.9.2016

How to Truly Protect the Vote

Election Day, every school kid learns, is the one day when we are all truly equal and when we come together to make decisions that impact the whole country.

Money & Influence 09.8.2016

Growing Campaign Calls for Presidential Candidates to First Debate Democracy

Common Cause joins other democracy reform groups urging for the first 2016 general election presidential debate be about democracy.

Money & Influence 09.7.2016

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Stances for the 114th Congress

With Election Day now just two months away, Common Cause released its 2016 Democracy Scorecard that charts the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy.

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