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Voting & Elections 09.1.2016

Tuning In & Turning Out

Millennials are active but not voting; what's stopping them and how can they make their voices count?

Voting & Elections 08.18.2016

The Secret Ballot at Risk: Recommendations for Protecting Democracy

“On Election Day, we all are equal. The Secret Ballot ensures voters that employers’ political opinions stop at the ballot box,” said Susannah Goodman, director of Common Cause's national Voting Integrity Campaign. “The Secret Ballot was established for a reason. The Secret Ballot ensures that we can all vote our conscience without undue intimidation and coercion.”

Voting & Elections 08.1.2016

Texas and Wisconsin Federal Courts Step Up to Protect Voters

Federal court decisions in Texas and Wisconsin last month should put the brakes on legislative efforts across the country to keep Americans from voting.

Voting & Elections 08.1.2016

Court Upholds Straight-Ticket Voting in Michigan

On July 21, a federal judge struck down Michigan’s attempt to ban straight-ticket voting, finding that the restriction placed a “disproportionate burden on African-Americans’ right to vote.” The court also ruled that Michigan’s $5 million plan to upgrade the machinery of its elections to offset that burden was “woefully insufficient.”

Voting & Elections 08.1.2016

Federal court strikes down North Carolina Voter ID law

Wide-ranging legislation to make voting in North Carolina more difficult was struck down last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Common Cause North Carolina is among the plaintiffs that challenged the constitutionality of that law.

Voting & Elections 08.1.2016

Kansas judge expands vote to thousands

Shawnee County district Judge Larry Hendricks ordered the state of Kansas to count votes in the primary election from people who registered without proof of citizenship. This blocked a rule from Kansas’s Secretary of State, which would have prevented 17,500 citizens from voting in state and local elections.

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