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Voting & Elections 10.12.2014

4 takeaways about voter ID from Texas's ruling

Voting rights advocates are celebrating a Texas district court's decision to strike down the state's controversial strict photo ID law. We looked through the ruling, and there's plenty to celebrate.

Voting & Elections 10.10.2014

U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Totally Unnecessary and Flagrantly Partisan Voter Photo ID for Now

Huge and wonderful (and unexpected) news for democracy, fairness and justice Thursday night! The United States Supreme Court voted 6 to 3 to block, for the upcoming November 4th election, the restrictive and extreme Wisconsin Voter photo ID law that was suddenly and erroneously reinstated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit on September 12th!

Voting & Elections 10.7.2014

A Shameful Ruling

A federal appeals court late Monday reinstituted Wisconsin’s hotly-disputed Voter ID law, reversing a district court’s order in Frank v. Walker, and complicating plans for a mid-term election that’s now less than four weeks away.

Voting & Elections 10.1.2014

Did We Fix That? Evaluating Implementation of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration’s Recommendations in Ten Swing States

Voting should not be an endurance sport.

Voting & Elections 09.12.2014

Common Cause Promises Intensified Voter Registration, Turnout Effort After Court Reinstates Wisconsin Voter ID Law

A federal appeals court decision reinstating Wisconsin’s Voter ID law places an unneeded and unjustified obstacle in the path of thousands of Badger State voters, Common Cause said Friday.

Voting & Elections 09.12.2014

Another One Caught on Tape

Georgia Election official was caught complaining that more young people, seniors, and people of color are registering to vote.

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