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Voting & Elections 11.20.2021

CNN: More than a year after Donald Trump's loss, Wisconsin Republicans wage relentless attacks on the state's election commission

Johnson's calls for a legislative takeover of the elections system demonstrate "the firm grasp that the (Donald) Trump wing of the Republican Party has not only everywhere, but particularly here in Wisconsin," said Jay Heck, who runs the state branch of Common Cause. "It's a lot of political bluster, but it has to be taken seriously in these times," he added.

Voting & Elections 11.19.2021

Houston Chronicle: Gov. Abbott uses emergency power to fund $4 million audit of 2020 Texas election results

"How much taxpayer money is it going to take, to convince former President Trump that he lost the 2020 election?" said Stephanie Gómez, associate director of the Common Cause Texas advocacy group. "Wisconsin taxpayers are spending almost $700,000. Arizona taxpayers are on the hook for millions. Now, using emergency powers, Governor Abbott has got Texas taxpayers on the hook for $4 million more."

NEW HAMPSHIRE: 100+ State Legislators Urge Senators Shaheen and Hassan to ‘do everything in your power to pass’ Federal Pro-Voter Bills

In a letter to U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, the state legislators urge their federal counterparts to “do everything in your power to pass” the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

The Guardian: US redistricting: are Republicans trying to rig the maps?

“I think it’s really easy to think, ‘We’ve had this experience. This means this doesn’t work,’” said Catherine Turcer, who works for the good government group Common Cause. But “it could be that the courts step in”. Or “it could be the reform works well in stopping bad actors who act badly”.

Voting & Elections 11.10.2021

Roll Call: 2022 races will put election integrity to the test

“We still have the Trump Big Lie that is metastasizing,” said Stephen Spaulding, senior counsel for public policy and government affairs at Common Cause. “Trust is the glue that really holds the system together. When it starts to erode, it really threatens the whole system.” Groups, such as Spaulding’s, are gearing up for big efforts ahead of the midterms to combat election disinformation. They plan to dispatch nonpartisan poll monitors and scrub social media of inaccurate information, especially about dates, places and ways of voting. 

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