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Voting & Elections 09.7.2017

Trump ‘Election Integrity’ Commission “Flawed From the Start” Common Cause Report Finds

President Trump’s ‘Election Integrity’ Commission is a flawed vehicle designed to provide cover for outrageous and unsubstantiated claims made by the President as an excuse for why he lost the popular election a new report from Common Cause, “Flawed from the Start,” documents. When compared to other recent high-profile commissions convened to improve our voting and elections process, the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is unique in that it is heavily stacked with noted vote suppressors.

Money & Influence 09.6.2017

$150,000 in Russian Facebook Political Ads Necessitate Immediate FEC Response

Today’s revelations that fake accounts in Russia bought approximately $150,000 in political ads on Facebook demands a complete and immediate response from the Federal Election Commission. The Commission’s intransigence on the issue of curbing the threat of foreign influence in our elections must stop now as this is likely only the tip of the iceberg.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2017

Common Cause Files SCOTUS Brief & Coordinates Amici in Landmark Challenge to Wisconsin Partisan Gerrymander

Late yesterday, Common Cause filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Gill v. Whitford in support of plaintiffs’ challenge to Wisconsin’s partisan gerrymander which was ruled unconstitutional by a federal three-judge panel. Common Cause also played a key role in coordinating amici in the case.

Kid Rock has been running for Senate all summer long, violating federal law

In a complaint filed today with the Federal Election Commission and Department of Justice, Common Cause accuses Kid Rock of violating federal election laws by acting as a Senate candidate while failing to register his candidacy, comply with contribution restrictions and publicly disclose contributions to his campaign.

Justice Gorsuch Should Reconsider Plan to Speak at Trump-branded Hotel

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch risks violating judicial ethics if he follows through on plans to deliver a keynote speech at a “Defending American Freedom” luncheon next month at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, Common Cause warned today.

Voting & Elections 08.28.2017

Illinois Becomes 10th State to Enact Automatic Voter Registration

Today, Illinois became the tenth state, along with the District of Columbia, to successfully enact automatic voter registration (AVR). Governor Bruce Rauner signed into a law a bill that creates more accessible and secure elections by automatically registering voters unless they opt out of the program.

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