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Money & Influence 05.22.2017

Supreme Court Again Rejects Challenge to “Soft Money” Contribution Limits

Politicians and party committees have repeatedly challenged the McCain-Feingold law’s soft money ban and the Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected these challenges. Again today, the Court recognized the potential for corruption from unlimited contributions to party committees and affirmed a lower court decision in Republican Party of Louisiana v. FEC upholding the soft money ban as applied to state political party committees. It is however troubling to see the newest Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, join with Justice Thomas in unsuccessfully urging their colleagues to schedule the soft money challenge for oral argument.

Voting & Elections 05.22.2017

US Supreme Court Ruling Against NC Racial Gerrymandering: CCNC Statement

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that North Carolina lawmakers unconstitutionally gerrymandered two of the state's congressional districts along racial lines. The decision affirms a lower court ruling in 2015 that ordered the districts to be redrawn.

White House Blocks OGE’s Ability to Enforce Ethics Rules

The White House move to block the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) from collecting waivers granted by Trump Administration nominees to work in fields where they recently lobbied is an outrage and part of a disturbing pattern. OGE was created in the wake of the Watergate scandal to monitor ethics compliance, but the Trump Administration is denying it the ability to do so. The OGE is charged with ensuring government compliance with ethical standards and it must be allowed to perform that duty.

Media & Democracy 05.18.2017

FCC Proposal Would Gut Open Internet

Today's proposal, if approved, will cut the open internet off at the knees. The majority at the Commission has invited a few telecom giants to design and control our communications future and relegates consumers and innovators to passive recipients of what the big boys deign to provide us. This is exactly the opposite of how the internet was supposed to function, with citizens empowered to frequent the sites and services of their choice - not subject to corporate censorship or slow lanes.


Special Counsel Appointment is the Correct First Step, But An Independent Commission Is Still Needed

The voices of millions of Americans, from all parties and every point on the political spectrum, have been heard tonight. The appointment of a special counsel to oversee the investigation of Russia’s interference in our election and possible connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government is a positive, necessary first step in response to their demands for an independent investigation.

James Comey Should Testify Publicly, Memo and Tapes Could Reveal Obstruction of Justice

The conduct of President Trump alleged in media reports appear to represent the commission of a felony by Donald Trump. If true, The New York Times report that President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey to end the agency’s investigation of Michael Flynn would constitute obstruction of justice which is an impeachable offense. The accusations must be fully investigated by an independent commission and a special prosecutor.

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