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Money & Influence 03.14.2017

Common Cause Joins With More Than 100 Groups In Urging Senators to Challenge Supreme Court Nominee on Troubling Money in Politics Record

Today, Common Cause joined with more than 100 organization in urging Senate Leaders challenge Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, to clarify his position on the power of big money in politics.

Voting & Elections 03.14.2017

FBI Investigation of Georgia Election Systems Breach Necessitates Use of Paper Ballots for Upcoming Congressional Special Election

Common Cause is urging Georgia election officials to use paper ballots to safeguard the integrity of next month’s congressional special election in light of the cyberattack on Kennesaw State University Elections Center. In a letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Common Cause emphasized the need to use both paper ballots and paper poll books.

Money & Influence 03.8.2017

Trump Urged by Religious & Secular Groups to Preserve Church & Charity Nonpartisanship

Today, 86 religious and secular groups urged President Donald Trump and members of Congress to preserve the Johnson Amendment to keep partisan politics out of 501(c)(3) organizations. The letter emphasized that for more than 60 years the tax code provision has protected the integrity and autonomy of religious and charitable sectors and safeguarded the boundary separating church and state.

Media & Democracy 03.7.2017

Common Cause and 170 Allies Call on FCC and Congress to Protect and Enforce Strong Net Neutrality Rules and Secure the Open Internet

On the eve of the Senate Commerce Committee’s first Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Oversight Hearing of 2017, Common Cause and 170 allied public interest organizations sent a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune and Ranking Member Bill Nelson calling for the protection of the free and open internet. The letter urges these leaders to support and continue to enforce the 2015 Open Internet Order and to oppose legislative and regulatory actions that would threaten the strong net neutrality rules already in place.

Money & Influence 03.2.2017

FEC Complaint: Trump Filed False Campaign Report in Violation of Election Law

Common Cause and the Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint today with the Federal Election Commission alleging Donald Trump’s campaign committee violated federal election law by illegally accepting campaign contributions after Election Day and falsely reporting those contributions for “debt retirement,” even though no debt existed. These false reports could have the effect of illegally increasing the amount Trump could accept from contributors for his 2020 reelection campaign.

Common Cause Demands Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Common Cause demanded the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and that his successor name a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Common Cause delivered a letter calling for his resignation during a protest outside the Department of Justice.

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