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Media & Democracy 02.2.2015

FCC Sending Encouraging Signs on Community Broadband

Growing signs that the Federal Communications Commission is poised to put its muscle behind the development of community-owned and operated broadband networks are uncommonly good news for Internet users, Common Cause said today.

Money & Influence 01.30.2015

Great GASB! Common Cause Backs Proposed Rules to Disclose Cost of State and Local Corporate Tax Breaks;

Common Cause joined today in calls for an overhaul of outdated and incomplete government accounting practices that hide the true cost of billions of dollars in tax breaks granted to corporations by state and local governments every year.

Money & Influence 01.28.2015

Common Cause and Center for Media and Democracy Seek Public Records on Wisconsin Gov. Walker's Trip to Koch Retreat

Watchdog organizations Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy jointly filed a public records request today seeking details of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s trip to a fundraising retreat hosted by billionaire industrialist mega-donors Charles and David Koch in Palm Springs, California.


Koch Caucus Now the First Stop on Road to the White House

The Koch network’s announcement that it plans to spend upwards of $900 million on the 2016 elections is a clarion call for citizen action to rescue our democracy, Common Cause President Miles Rapoport said Tuesday.

Voting & Elections 01.24.2015

Common Cause Defends Arizona’s Independent Redistricting Commission in Supreme Court

Common Cause and Common Cause Illinois filed two amici briefs urging the Supreme Court on Friday to recognize the right of citizens of each state to shape laws that curtail political and incumbent gerrymandering.

Money & Influence 01.22.2015

Activists Rally On Citizens United Fifth Anniversary

Dozens of activists from Common Cause and partner organizations rallied against big money in politics today at Lafayette Square, wedged between the Chamber of Commerce and the White House, on the fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.

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