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Money & Influence 01.21.2015

Common Cause, Other Reform Groups Commend Congressional Leaders on Reintroduction of Money in Politics Legislation

Common Cause joined with the undersigned organizations to commend today’s reintroduction by key Congressional sponsors of the “Defending Democracy” legislative package, a suite of proposed solutions to the problem of big money domination of our elections.

It's Everyone's Responsibility to Make Washington Work

“President Obama’s proposals to attack income inequality, particularly his plans to make higher education affordable, invest in an open Internet and re-balance the tax code in favor of middle-income Americans, deserve better than the “dead-on-arrival” treatment they’re getting on Capitol Hill. Taken together, they’re a serious – if incomplete – response to critical national problems.

Media & Democracy 01.16.2015

Common Cause Welcomes Sprint's Embrace of Open Internet

Thanks to Sprint for sprinting ahead on the Open Internet, acknowledging what we have long known: strong net neutrality is good for consumers, competition, innovation and free expression online. Sprint’s competitors could learn a thing a thing or two from its corporate leadership. This is more evidence that it is time for the FCC to act on Title II reclassification.

Money & Influence 01.13.2015

Whose Government? Whose Voice?

The big money injected into American politics by the Supreme Court’s historic – and fundamentally flawed – decision in Citizens United has blocked action on problems that large majorities of Americans care about most, including stagnant wages, gun control and climate change, Common Cause argues in a report released today.

Voting & Elections 01.12.2015

Santa Fe Joins Independent Redistricting Movement

National momentum for fair and transparent redistricting continued as Santa Fe, New Mexico launched implementation of an Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission.

Voting & Elections 01.10.2015

Common Cause Commends Illinois on Adoption of Election Day Registration

Common Cause hailed Illinois lawmakers and Gov. Pat Quinn today as the state’s chief executive signed historic legislation permitting residents to register and vote on Election Day.

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