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AOL To End ALEC Membership

Online giant AOL Inc, has decided to end its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Common Cause has learned; a company official confirmed the move today and said the decision was made “a number of weeks ago.”

Media & Democracy 11.10.2014

Common Cause Urges FCC to Heed Obama's Call for Open Internet Protections

President Obama’s call for strong Open Internet (“net neutrality”) protections under Title II of the Telecommunications Act is an important step toward ensuring that the Internet remains a forum for the free and robust exchange of ideas, Common Cause said today.

Voting & Elections 11.7.2014

Independent-Minded Lawmakers Headline Nov.10 Forum on Gerrymandering

Common Cause hosting forum on gerrymandering in Annapolis

Voting & Elections 11.4.2014

Common Cause Urges Georgia Voters Not To Be Deterred By Election Day Problems

Georgians are getting a painful lesson in what happens when state leaders fall down on the job of running a free and fair election. Common Cause said today.

Voting & Elections 11.4.2014

After a Dismal Campaign, Still Plenty of Reasons to Vote

A political season marked by an epic Battle of the Airwaves and a disgraceful War on Voting is drawing to a merciful close, but behind the dust kicked up by all those attack ads, there is plenty at stake and compelling reasons for Americans to get out and vote, Common Cause said today.

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to Filibuster Rule

“The Supreme Court’s refusal to hear Common Cause’s case challenging the constitutionality of the U.S. Senate’s filibuster rule is both shortsighted and ominous,” Common Cause President Miles Rapoport said today. “Instead of protecting debate, the 60-vote filibuster rule has shut down discussion on important legislation, from a living wage to addressing climate change.

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