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50 State Report: Arizona Earns B- for Redistricting from Common Cause

Arizona scored above average nationally for a transparent and inclusive process, but still has room for improvement


TODAY at 10:30am MST: Common Cause Arizona to Join President Biden in Tempe

Program Director Jenny Guzman to urge passage of voting rights legislation


Common Cause Arizona Joined President Biden at Event Honoring Senator McCain in Arizona

Program Director Jenny Guzman urges the passage of voting rights legislation

Media & Democracy 09.26.2023

FCC Chair Announces Proceeding to Restore Net Neutrality

Today, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel announced that the agency will begin proceedings to restore Net Neutrality. In a speech at the National Press Club, Chair Rosenworcel said she will formally introduce a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” at the agency’s Open Meeting on October 19, 2023. The rulemaking will restore the FCC’s authority under Title II of the Communications Act to oversee broadband providers and enforce the open-internet protections. The Open Internet Order was repealed during the Trump Administration in the face of widespread public opposition – including comments filed during the proceedings opposing the controversial reversal by the agency.

Voting & Elections 09.22.2023

CFTC Rejects Bid to Legalize Gambling on U.S. Elections

Today, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rejected a request to legalize gambling on U.S. election outcomes. In July, Common Cause filed comments, co-signed by more than 15,000 of its members, strongly urging the CFTC to reject the proposal arguing that KalshiEX, LLC’s (“Kalshi”) proposed Congressional control event contract posed “new and profound threats to the integrity of our democracy and our elections.”

Voting & Elections 09.19.2023

John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Will Protect Every American’s Freedom to Vote

Americans expect and deserve free and fair elections. The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will protect the freedom to vote of every American at a time when voting rights are once again under attack in many parts of our nation. The legislation, reintroduced today in the House of Representatives, will repair much of the damage done to the Voting Rights Act a decade ago by the Supreme Court in its Shelby County v. Holder decision and subsequent rulings.

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