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U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Dangerous Attempt to Destroy Democracy

The U.S. Supreme Court handed voters a major victory today with their ruling that state courts can review — and rectify — election-related rules and voting maps passed by state legislatures.

Supreme Court Recognizes Voting Rights Act Protection of Black Voters in Alabama

Today is a day of celebration for all of those who care about freedom and democracy, with the Supreme Court recognizing the vital importance of what remains of the Voting Rights Act to protect Americans from the insidious effects of discrimination.

Voting & Elections 06.2.2023

Common Cause Condemns YouTube's Irresponsible and Dangerous Decision to Allow Election Lies

Today, YouTube announced it will rescind its prohibition on content that espouses election denialism and disinformation about the 2020 elections. This move comes as more 2024 candidates (including former president Trump) engage in public events which may be hosted on the platform.

Common Cause Files Amicus Brief Defending Independent Redistricting in High-Stakes Anti-Gerrymandering Case

Common Cause has filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the State of Utah to protect the 2018 voter-approved citizens redistricting commission in League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature. In the brief, the national, anti-gerrymandering group underscores how the state has ignored the will of the people by passing legislation that imposes impartial voting maps and abandons the key principles of fair redistricting.

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