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Caught Lying: Trump Administration Drops Citizenship Question from Census

Today’s decision by the government to move forward with printing the 2020 Census forms without the citizenship question is a victory for a fair and accurate 2020 Census count. The Trump administration’s lies about the need for a citizenship question were suspect from the outset but they were laid bare by the facts brought to light in the documents of the GOP’s top mapmaker Thomas Hofeller. Chief Justice Roberts joined by four other justices, rightly stated that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s explanation for adding the question was “contrived.”

Voting & Elections 06.27.2019

Common Cause Hails Vital House Vote, Urges Senate to Take Up Election Security

“Today’s passage of the bipartisan SAFE Act in the House is a large critically important step toward safeguarding our elections. It is now up to the Senate to pass strong election security legislation. Our election systems have been breached by a hostile foreign power. Those attacks continue to this day and they will not stop during the 2020 elections, so we must be ready."

SCOTUS Suspends Census Citizenship Question In Light of Evidence of Political and Racial Motives  

Statement of Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause President: “’Contrived.’ That’s what the Supreme Court called the Administration’s trumped up explanation for adding the citizenship question on the 2020 Census. In documents that Common Cause received in the North Carolina state challenge, Common Cause v. Lewis, emails and reports created by Thomas Hofeller, the chief Republican redistricting mapdrawer, reveal the real reasons for the citizenship question – to make redistricting 'advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites.' Suspending the citizenship question is a step in the right direction.”  

Supreme Court Ducks Responsibility to End Gerrymandering 

Today the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision in two landmark redistricting cases, Rucho v. Common Cause and Lamone v. Benisek. In a 34-page decision written by Justice Roberts, the majority concluded it could not set a constitutional standard against partisan gerrymandering. 

Voting & Elections 06.26.2019

Common Cause Urges U.S. House Members to Pass Critical Election Security Legislation in SAFE Act

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” on the Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act (HR 2722) when it goes to a floor vote later this week. A Monday letter to Members emphasized that the critical legislation will help ensure that states and localities get the necessary resources and take key steps to make our election infrastructure resilient in the face of the ongoing attacks by hostile nation state actors.

NEW FILING: GOP Gerrymandering Guru and High-Level Census Bureau Official Discussed Census Citizenship Question

Hofeller evidence filed in Maryland lawsuit challenging census citizenship question.

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