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Media & Democracy 06.26.2024

SCOTUS Strikes Down Injunction Barring Contacts with Social Media Platforms on Disinformation

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an injunction barring the White House and other government agencies from communicating with and encouraging social media platforms to curb the spread of mis- and disinformation. The injunction also limited the government’s ability to communicate with civil society groups to limit disinformation online. The case stemmed from government outreach to the platforms about the dangerous spread of mis- and disinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines during the pandemic.

Voting & Elections 06.24.2024

Common Cause Announces Five New Board Members

Today, democracy watchdog Common Cause announced the addition of five new members to its National Governing Board, representing a diverse cross-section of allies and experts all deeply committed to safeguarding our democracy.


Arizona: State Leaders Adjourn With Handful of Pro-Voting Wins

Arizona’s 2024 legislative session adjourned with a handful of voting rights victories, despite the referral of some anti-democracy measures to this year’s ballot.

Common Cause/NY Statement on Trump Guilty Verdict

NEW YORK, NY -- This evening, a jury in Manhattan found former President Trump guilty on 34 counts. In response, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY issued the following statement: "This case was always about hiding key information from voters, and now a jury of the former president's peers have confirmed that he lied to the public by falsifying business records in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. This is a felony punishable with jail time or probation, and just like anyone else convicted of the same crime, we expect him to be sentenced accordingly. We thank the jury – whom Mr. Trump and his lawyers helped to select – for doing their civic duty, and trust that the public will accept their decision as well as their right to privacy. Respect for the rule of law is the foundation of our democracy, but so is public trust in the process. That's why Common Cause/NY fought to make the trial transcripts free and accessible, and we invite anyone to review them on the court website. We now hope that the courts will reach a decision in the other trials awaiting Mr. Trump before the 2024 election since voters should have all the information before they cast their ballots."

Voting & Elections 05.23.2024

Common Cause Urges “No” Vote on House Bill to Change DC Election Laws While a Primary is Already Underway

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “no” when H.R. 192 is expected to be brought to the floor later today. Common Cause plans to key-vote this legislation in its Democracy Scorecard, which is sent to its 1.5 million members and state and national press.   The proposed legislation is the latest effort by Congress to interfere in the lives and self-government of the residents of Washington, DC, who have been denied equal representation in Congress since the city was founded in 1790. The letter sent to every Member of the House, reminds lawmakers that the bill would disrupt the District’s 2024 primary elections by changing election guidelines and eligibility in the middle of an election that is already underway.

Media & Democracy 05.22.2024

FCC Announces Disclosure Rulemaking on AI Political Ads

Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it will begin a rulemaking to require disclosure for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated content in political advertising on the nation’s airwaves.

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