Associated Press: Sprint, T-Mobile Have to Sell $26.5B Deal to Antitrust Cops

Associated Press: Sprint, T-Mobile Have to Sell $26.5B Deal to Antitrust Cops

Advocacy organizations said the deal will likely lead to higher cellphone plans because there will be less competition. Michael Copps, a former FCC chairman and an adviser to the watchdog group Common Cause, said consumers will "lose a lot of the innovation and competitive spirit that T-Mobile had" when it was challenging not just AT&T and Verizon, but Sprint as well.

Advocacy organizations said the deal will likely lead to higher cellphone plans because there will be less competition. Michael Copps, a former FCC chairman and an adviser to the watchdog group Common Cause, said consumers will “lose a lot of the innovation and competitive spirit that T-Mobile had” when it was challenging not just AT&T and Verizon, but Sprint as well.