Houston Chronicle: Is my Harris County polling place ADA accessible? Flip a coin — nearly half are not

Houston Chronicle: Is my Harris County polling place ADA accessible? Flip a coin — nearly half are not

“Voters were waiting two to three hours circling the parking lot, looking for parking spaces or waiting at their car to be serviced by a poll worker,” said Katya Ehresman, a program manager at Common Cause Texas, a voting rights nonprofit. She said that these curbside voting issues were not necessarily the fault of the county but instead an issue of building and resource availability.

“Voters were waiting two to three hours circling the parking lot, looking for parking spaces or waiting at their car to be serviced by a poll worker,” said Katya Ehresman, a program manager at Common Cause Texas, a voting rights nonprofit.

She said that these curbside voting issues were not necessarily the fault of the county but instead an issue of building and resource availability.


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