
Press Release

Partisan Extremists Hold Rally to Spread Election Lies and Undermine Our Democracy

"For two years, partisan extremists have spread falsehoods about our elections because their preferred candidate for president in 2020 did not win. Today’s rally with out-of-towners is one more sad failure to face reality."

Today at 12pm MDT, a group of partisan extremists, including Mike Lindell, MyPillow CEO and Donald Trump ally, will hold a rally to spread lies and misinformation that undermine our democracy and put the state’s nonpartisan elections officials at further risk of fear and intimidation.

The rally, held at the Colorado State Capitol, will feature Mesa County Clerk and Republican candidate for Secretary of State Tina Peters and Republican Congressman Ron Hanks. 

Statement of Cameron Hill, Common Cause Colorado Associate Director 

For two years, partisan extremists have spread falsehoods about our elections because their preferred candidate for president in 2020 did not win. Today’s rally with out-of-towners is one more sad failure to face reality.

It’s particularly troubling to see candidates vying for statewide office endorse conspiracy theories that have been debunked over and over again.

No matter how many rallies they hold or how many lies they spread, nothing will change the outcome of the election held two years ago. The only thing their misinformation campaign will accomplish is to further divide Coloradans from coming together to protect and strengthen our freedom to vote.

Each day these extremists continue peddling conspiracy theories, they put the lives of our election administrators, their families, and our communities in danger.

Their willingness to lie to the voters without any shred of proof is as desperate as it is disturbing.

That’s why we look forward to the passage of HB22-1273, legislation that will protect elections officials from being bullied or threatened from doing their job—administering free and fair elections for all voters. We urge elected leaders to swiftly pass this legislation so we all have a voice at the ballot box—Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

We also support our state’s bipartisan election officials in calling on these partisan radicals to either show us proof of their claims or stop spreading lies about our elections. Enough is enough. 



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