
Blog Post

TLDR: Colorado’s 2024 Legislative Session

We believe that voters deserve to know about the proposed legislation that could affect their everyday lives and the futures of their families. Here’s the TLDR of what you need to know about the 2024 legislative session so far!

As the 2024 legislative session hits the halfway mark, Colorado Common Cause is hard at work watchdogging the process and advocating for good government reforms that strengthen democracy in our state.

We believe that voters deserve to know about the proposed legislation that could affect their everyday lives and the future of their families. In our busy lives, it can be hard to cut through the noise to find the important information we need to stay informed.

TLDR (Too long, didn’t read): Fortunately, Colorado is in good hands, and we’ve taken notes to help you stay informed! This legislative session, Common Cause and its allies are supporting a slate of bills that help ensure our democracy moves forward and continues to work for everyone. Here’s what you need to know:

This legislative session, Colorado Common Cause’s top priorities are:

  • Ensuring all Coloradoans have a voice by expanding access to the ballot in county jails;
  • Holding power accountable by strengthening government ethics and accountability at the local level;
  • Protecting the vote against new digital threats by safeguarding our elections from misinformation, disinformation, and artificial intelligence;
  • Upholding the rule of law by protecting Colorado from future schemes to overturn legitimate election results; and
  • Safeguarding the future of our democracy by opposing bills that threaten the accessibility and integrity of our elections.

2024 Priority Bills

  • HB24-1067: Ballot Access for Candidates with Disabilities. Creates a virtual option for Party Caucus and Assembly and ensures candidates with disabilities have equitable access to the ballot.
  • HB24-1073: Independent Ethics Commission Jurisdiction. Expands the jurisdiction of the Independent Ethics Commission to cover School Boards and Special Districts.
  • HB24-1147: Candidate Election Deepfake Disclosures. Requires the disclosure of AI-generated content on candidates running for office.
  • HB24-1150: False Slate of Electors. Prohibits the creation of false slates of electors, as well as conspiring to create or serve in a false slate of electors. This bill codifies consequences for seeking to overturn the will of voters and ensures accountability for those involved in such attempts.
  • SB24-072: Voting for Confined Eligible Electors. Requires Colorado jails to provide 1 day of in-person voting. It allows County Clerks to provide access to updating registration, as well as non-partisan resources on the issues on the ballot. This bill protects the fundamental right to vote and enfranchises Coloradans in jails who often are awaiting trial and have not been convicted of any crime.
  • SB24-084: Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis- Information. Empowers the Colorado Attorney General to investigate the proliferation of online mis- & disinformation. The Attorney General may investigate the issue and coordinate with the Legislature to create data-backed solutions. This bill facilitates honest conversations on statewide & national issues and centers truth on discussions about candidates and our elections.



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