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أعلى الدرجات التي حصلت عليها ولاية كولورادو في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة Common Cause

بيان صحفي

أعلى الدرجات التي حصلت عليها ولاية كولورادو في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة Common Cause

زيادة عدد أعضاء الكونجرس الحاصلين على الدرجات الكاملة بأكثر من 15% اعتبارًا من عام 2022

جهات الاتصال الإعلامية

أريانا مارموليجو

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب)


85 نتيجة


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85 نتيجة


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

KUNC: Amendment 75 Wrong Way To Take On Colorado’s Millionaire Candidates

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KUNC: Amendment 75 Wrong Way To Take On Colorado’s Millionaire Candidates

"We don't believe the solution to money in politics is more money in politics," said Caroline Fry, Colorado Common Cause Outreach Director. "The whole theory of leveling the playing field by quintupling contribution limits -- all this is doing is opening our elections to more big spenders."

KDNK: أخبارك، مجتمعك في كاربونديل

مقطع اخباري

KDNK: أخبارك، مجتمعك في كاربونديل

تجمع "أخبارك، مجتمعك" بين سكان المجتمع والصحفيين المحليين لإجراء محادثات وجهاً لوجه وصادقة ومنفتحة حول وسائل الإعلام. تم بث هذه الجلسة مباشرة من محطة KDNK في كاربونديل، كولورادو.

CPR: Gerryman-Don’t

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CPR: Gerryman-Don’t

Our Executive Director Amanda Gonzalez was featured in Colorado Public Radio's new podcast, Purplish, on the subject of redistricting and gerrymandering.

2020 Census and Boulder County

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2020 Census and Boulder County

It may seem premature to discuss a topic that's a year-and-a-half away, but it turns out there’s lots to understand – now – about what the Census is used for, how the data is collected, and what's at stake.

Amendments Y & Z Explained

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Amendments Y & Z Explained

Amanda Gonzalez, Executive Director of Colorado Common Cause, joined the Colorado Business Roundtable to talk about Amendments Y & Z - which would create fair and competitive congressional and legislative districts in Colorado by removing politicians and lobbyists from the drawing of new district lines.

The 2020 Census: What’s At Stake?

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The 2020 Census: What’s At Stake?

Caroline Fry, Outreach Director for Colorado Common Cause, spoke to the Boulder Community Foundation about the importance of getting an accurate count of Coloradans in the 2020 Census.

KUNC: Efforts In Colorado And Utah Aim To End Gerrymandering. Would They?

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KUNC: Efforts In Colorado And Utah Aim To End Gerrymandering. Would They?

“Hopefully after November the people drawing that line will be people just like you and me,” said Amanda Gonzalez, Executive Director of Colorado Common Cause. “Right now, it's largely politicians that draw it.”

KGNU: The 2020 Census & Single Parents

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KGNU: The 2020 Census & Single Parents

Colorado Common Cause outreach director Caroline Fry explains how a citizenship question on the 2020 Census would negatively impact all Coloradans - including single parents.

Denverite: Election candidates could take up to $750,000 of public money under new Denver proposal

مقطع اخباري

Denverite: Election candidates could take up to $750,000 of public money under new Denver proposal

“Programs like the one council is considering will strengthen a candidate’s ability to compete with the big money being spent by corporations and PACs while still being responsive to voters,” wrote Amanda Gonzalez, executive director of the voter engagement group Colorado Common Cause.



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