
Press Release

Colorado Common Cause Applauds Denver City Council’s Move to Postpone Damaging Bill

In a win for democracy in Denver, Councilwoman Kendra Black and the Denver City Council voted to postpone a bill that would have referred a question to Denver voters to add geographic signature quotas to the ballot initiative process. This move would add barriers for community and grassroots groups attempting to create change through the ballot initiative process.

Denver prioritizes the voices of democracy groups and community by halting Council Bill 22-0876

Denver, CO – In a win for democracy in Denver, Councilwoman Kendra Black and the Denver City Council voted to postpone a bill that would have referred a question to Denver voters to add geographic signature quotas to the ballot initiative process. This move would add barriers for community and grassroots groups attempting to create change through the ballot initiative process. Colorado Common Cause, along with a group of 8 other democracy and community-based organizations, sent a letter urging the council to oppose Council Bill 22-0876. 

Mobilized by Colorado Common Cause, Denver City Council received over 400 letters and calls urging them to oppose the potentially damaging referred measure. In addition to the City Council’s swift action in listening to their constituents, Council plans to convene a committee of democracy and community groups to discuss a solution to the ballot initiative issue that will work for everyone in Denver.

“Democracy works best when everyone can come together to prioritize the will of the people, and that’s what happened in today’s decision,” said Cameron Hill, Associate Director of Colorado Common Cause. “As an organization, we look forward to being a part of this ongoing conversation and to working with the committee to create positive change that will work for all communities, not just the wealthy elite.”

The ballot initiative process is a hallmark of Denver Democracy. The City Council’s decisive action in postponing the bill and their steps toward creating proactive, people-centered solutions show the city’s commitment to its democracy and to its constituency. Today, the city moves in the right direction as they continue to prioritize the voice of the people over the voices of the corporate lobby and special interests.



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