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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the frontlines of the pro-democracy movement.

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Our Positions on the 2018 Ballot Initiatives

Your vote is your voice in determining the future of our state. It’s important that you research and vote on all the candidates and initiatives on your ballot.

Money & Influence 09.27.2018

Citizen Powered Elections on the Denver Ballot

Passing this initiative would be a big win for Denver – and an achievement for Colorado Common Cause, who helped draft the original ballot initiative language in 2016


Fighting a Challenge to Direct Democracy

Colorado Common Cause has filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiff in Semple et al v. Williams. This lawsuit challenges Amendment 71 – which significantly dilutes the power of Colorado voters to amend our state constitution.


New Ruling Challenges Colorado Campaign Finance Enforcement

We are deeply troubled by the court’s ruling yesterday, which signals that there will be no enforcement of Colorado’s campaign finance laws.


Big Money in Politics Affects Everyone

There’s a reason why Americans from across the political spectrum want campaign finance reform—big money in politics is an issue that affects us all.


2018 Colorado Leg Wrap-Up

Colorado Common Cause was busy during the 2018 legislative session, working on bills to protect voting rights and fair elections, reduce the influence of money in politics, and promote government ethics.

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