
Press Release

Summit on Democracy Reform Coming to Denver

A policy summit to discuss the new, innovative democracy reforms taking root across the state will be held on Saturday, February 9th at the First Unitarian Society of Denver. Colorado Common Cause is hosting the event.

January 14, 2019
Media Contact: Amanda Gonzalez / / 303-292-2163


DENVER–After Coloradans passed several major pro-democracy reforms during the 2018 election, activists are now preparing for a busy legislative session at the state Capitol.

A policy summit to discuss the new, innovative democracy reforms taking root across the state will be held on Saturday, February 9th at the First Unitarian Society of Denver. Colorado Common Cause is hosting the event.

Designed for grassroots activists, policy analysts and legal professionals, the policy summit will include in-depth discussions about reforming the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR), signing Colorado onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, implementing automatic voter registration, adopting new voting methods such as ranked choice voting, protecting a free and open internet by restoring net neutrality, and counting every Coloradan in the 2020 Census.

Participants will hear from policy experts including Professors Anand Sokhey and Scott Adler from the University of Colorado’s American Politics Research Lab; Steve Lipscomb with Fix It America; Carol Hedges from the Colorado Fiscal Institute; Denise Maes from the ACLU of Colorado; and elected leaders including Rep. Brianna Titone, Rep. Chris Hansen, and Rep. Mike Weissman.

“Democracy was the clear winner in the 2018 election, and we have a real opportunity to capitalize on that momentum,” said Amanda Gonzalez, executive director at Colorado Common Cause. “The serious issues that confront our state – a lack of affordable health care and equitable education, an unjust immigration system, poverty, discrimination, and climate change – will only be solved when government is responsive to the needs and voices of its citizens, and not to the pressures of special interests. Now is our chance to make the systemic changes that Coloradans want and deserve.”

Interested individuals can learn more and purchase tickets at



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