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Voting & Elections 11.4.2022

Just Vote! Colorado Election Protection to Host Bilingual Call Center for Colorado Voters

On November 7th and November 8th, 2022, trained volunteers will be staffing an 8-line bilingual call center to answer questions and address voter concerns in the final hours of the 2022 general election.


Common Cause Releases 2022 “Democracy Scorecard” Showing Growing Support in Congress for Democracy Reform

As constituents evaluate the performance of their Members of Congress, Common Cause released its 2022 “Democracy Scorecard,” a tracking resource with the positions of all members of Congress on campaign finance reform, ethics and transparency, and voting rights legislation.

Voting & Elections 08.15.2022

Colorado Common Cause Applauds Denver City Council’s Move to Postpone Damaging Bill

In a win for democracy in Denver, Councilwoman Kendra Black and the Denver City Council voted to postpone a bill that would have referred a question to Denver voters to add geographic signature quotas to the ballot initiative process. This move would add barriers for community and grassroots groups attempting to create change through the ballot initiative process.

Voting & Elections 08.15.2022

Denver City Council Quietly Rushing Bill Jeopardizing the Ballot Initiative Process

Today, the Denver City Council is voting on a bill that would severely limit Denverites’ right to pass or change laws through the ballot initiative process. Heavily pushed by wealthy special interests, Council Bill 22-0876 would refer a City Charter Amendment to the November ballot that would make the ballot initiative process more expensive and inaccessible to everyday citizens.

Voting & Elections 08.4.2022

Colorado Primary Election Results Reaffirmed in Recount

Today, the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office announced the conclusion of the statewide recount of the Republican primary race for Secretary of State and the Republican primary race for State Senate District 9. The results of the recount confirm the original results reported with a deviation of only a handful of votes. No changes in vote counts resulted in El Paso, Denver, or Arapahoe Counties – the state’s three largest counties.

Colorado Common Cause Responds to Article V Convention Bootcamp

On Sunday, State lawmakers gathered in Denver to discuss a possible Article V Constitutional Convention at the Academy of States 3.0, a bootcamp preparing state lawmakers for what they deem is an “imminent Article V Convention."

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