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Serving as Colorado's Government Watchdog Since 1971

One of our most important jobs as citizens is to monitor our public leaders and hold them accountable for their actions. Colorado has a rich history of doing just that. From passing the nation’s first open meetings law in 1972 to creating the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission in 2006, we have fought to create a government that is open, transparent, and accountable to all Coloradans. And we’re not done yet.

Ethics & Accountability Campaigns...

Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition

We’re dedicated to helping Coloradans access public information.

Open and Accountable Government

Coloradans need a strong, independent body to monitor and enforce public ethics.

Public Records & Meetings

We’ve fought to create laws that guarantee Coloradans can access public records and meetings. Now we’re working to bring those laws into the 21st Century.

Take action!

Colorado: Demand Net Neutrality!

Our Representatives in Congress have the power to overturn the FCC's decision to end net neutrality. Contact them NOW and demand their support for a free and open internet.

Support our work this Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Common Cause works year-round to create an open, honest, and accountable government. Support our work this Colorado Gives Day!

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Team members help us organize petition deliveries, write letters to the editor, and more.

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Your generous contribution helps guarantee a democracy that works for all Coloradans.

Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.