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We're Fighting for a Free, Democratic Media in Colorado

The free flow of information–generated by independent newspapers, broadcasters and other media–is vital to a healthy democracy. Colorado Common Cause is working to stop corporate consolidation in our state by partnering with local, independent media. We’re working to bring high-speed internet to the 1 in 4 Coloradans who do not have access. And we’re applying pressure to our leaders in Congress to reinstate net neutrality protections.

Media & Democracy Campaigns...

Net Neutrality

Across the political spectrum, Coloradans are united for free and open internet.

Media & Democracy

Internet access has become a prerequisite to fully participating in our democracy.

Take action!

Colorado: Demand Net Neutrality!

Our Representatives in Congress have the power to overturn the FCC's decision to end net neutrality. Contact them NOW and demand their support for a free and open internet.

Support our work this Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Common Cause works year-round to create an open, honest, and accountable government. Support our work this Colorado Gives Day!

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Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.