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We're Putting Everyday Coloradans Before Big Money

Big money plays a major role in every social, environmental and economic issue in our country. Millions of dollars are poured into our political system from special interests and wealthy donors, who have greater access to our elected officials. In Colorado, we’re working to pass laws that limit contributions and require full disclosure of who is spending money on elections – and implement innovative public campaign finance programs.

Money & Influence Campaigns...


By limiting the influence that lobbyists can have on our lawmakers, we are giving power back to everyday Coloradans.

Disclosure and Transparency

Coloradans deserve to know who is trying to influence their vote. We're fighting to ensure that every Coloradan can follow the money in local and state campaigns.

Money in Politics

We fight to lower the amount of money that campaigns can accept from donors. We've made progress - but the fight is far from over.

Citizen-Funded Elections

Citizen-funded elections helps break down barriers to participating in our democracy, creating a government that looks more like us and works better for us.

Take action!

Colorado: Demand Net Neutrality!

Our Representatives in Congress have the power to overturn the FCC's decision to end net neutrality. Contact them NOW and demand their support for a free and open internet.

Support our work this Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Common Cause works year-round to create an open, honest, and accountable government. Support our work this Colorado Gives Day!

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Team members help us organize petition deliveries, write letters to the editor, and more.

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Your generous contribution helps guarantee a democracy that works for all Coloradans.

Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.