We are leading the fight to reduce the power in lobbyists in Colorado.

In 2006, we helped draft and pass Amendment 41—which was overwhelmingly supported by Colorado voters. This law prohibits lobbyists from giving gifts to legislators, and placed a $50 limit on gifts from public servants to legislators. Before its passage, lobbyists gained unfair access to public officials by, for example, taking them to professional sporting events. These gifts now are prohibited, and the culture of gift giving is fading from Colorado politics.

Amendment 41 also placed a two-year revolving door restriction on legislators seeking to become lobbyists after they leave public office. This mandatory “cooling down” period prohibits legislators from immediately registering as a lobbyist or engaging in lobbying activities.

Colorado lobbyists must register with the Secretary of State, submit monthly reports on their lobbying for or against bills and policies, and their compensation. This information is available on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website.

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