Building a better democracy starts with lifting the voices of the people.

Colorado has one of the best elections systems in the country—and Colorado Common Cause has been a driving force in this achievement. Here are just a few of our victories:

  • Same-day voter registration: Colorado voters can register to vote up to and on Election Day.
  • Online voter registration: Register online long as you register by the 8th day before Election Day.
  • Automatic voter registration: At the DMV, and soon at Medicaid offices, eligible Coloradans are automatically registered to vote.
  • Mail ballots to all voters: All eligible voters receive a ballot in the mail for each election; voters can mail it back, drop it off, or choose to go vote in person.
  • Vote anywhere in your county: Voters can visit any Voter Service & Polling Center (VSPC) in their county where voters can register to vote, update their voter information, pick up a replacement ballot, and/or vote in person.
  • Pre-registration for 15-, 16- and 17-year-olds: 16- and 17-year-olds, and now 15-year-olds, can pre-register to vote to ensure they are ready to receive their ballot in the mail when they become eligible to vote.
  • Campus voting: Students on public and private college campuses, including community colleges and technical schools, can visit Voter Service Centers and drop boxes right on campus.
  • Multilingual ballot access: Thanks to our bill passed in 2021, 20 Colorado counties now must offer ballots in Spanish, and our state now hosts a hotline for ballot translation in all languages covered by the US Census.

Alongside our work to expand access to voting, Colorado Common Cause works to protect the security and integrity of our elections. Protecting our democracy from foreign or domestic attacks is not a partisan issue – in order for our government to function with legitimacy, Americans must trust in the accuracy of our elections. That’s why we watchdog election administration activities, advocate for policies that promote security and accuracy in our elections, and support the year-round work of our state and local election officials.

Next Campaign

Modernize Voter Registration