
Press Release

Rep. Coffman Signs Discharge Petition to Restore Net Neutrality

Today, Colorado Congressman Mike Coffman signed the discharge petition to restore the FCC’s net neutrality rules. Congressman Coffman is the first House republican to sign the discharge petition.

“By signing the discharge petition to restore net neutrality, Congressman Coffman has stood up for a free and open internet,” said Caroline Fry, Outreach Director for Colorado Common Cause. “We applaud him for putting the interests of Coloradans ahead of monopoly cable and telecommunications providers.”

Coloradans overwhelmingly support protecting the free and open internet with strong net neutrality rules. Since the FCC repealed net neutrality protections in December 2017, hundreds of Coloradans have contacted their Congressional delegates to demand that they use their legislative power to overturn the FCC’s ruling.

We urge Colorado’s three remaining congressional delegates who have not yet signed the discharge petition – Congressmen Scott Tipton, Ken Buck and Doug Lamborn – to follow Congressman Coffman’s lead to restore a free and open internet.



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