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‘Deepfakes’ and AI content: Colorado lawmakers dive into new tech ahead of November elections
Искусственный интеллект имеет потенциал для усиления предвыборной дезинформации и других антиизбирательных тактик. Нам нужна смелая программа реформ, чтобы дать отпор. Common Cause стремится добиваться прозрачности и подотчетности ИИ для поддержки нашей демократии.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), deepfakes, and other emerging technologies pose a serious threat to our democracy and our elections that many policymakers simply are not prepared to address. In a few clicks, bad actors can create deceptive content about candidates or impersonate election officials—then spread those lies like wildfire. We need transparency and accountability from social media platforms, news organizations, and Artificial Intelligence companies themselves to make sure our democracy does not fall victim to a deluge of AI-powered disinformation.
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