
Colorado Needs its Own Voting Rights Act

Colorado Common Cause is working with Senadora Julie Gonzales, Representative Jennifer Bacon and Representative Junie Joseph to pass Senate Bill 001, with the support of over 30 community based organizations.


Contact Aly Belknap

Check out the headlines

NPR: With the Voting Rights Act facing more threats, advocates renew a push for state laws

News Clip

NPR: With the Voting Rights Act facing more threats, advocates renew a push for state laws

With Republicans set to control Congress and the White House starting next year, some voting rights advocates are renewing their focus on protections against racial discrimination in elections that don't rely on the federal government.


Two Thirds of Coloradans support the Colorado Voting Rights Act

Two Thirds of Coloradans support the Colorado Voting Rights Act

Read the report


Our Coalition

Colorado Common Cause
Mi Familia Vota of Colorado
League of Women Voters of Colorado
Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition (CCJRC) Colorado Black Women for Political Action
State Innovation Exchange (SiX)
Disability Law Colorado
ACLU of Colorado
Sam Cary Bar Association

Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization (CLLARO)
Soul 2 Soul Sisters
Citizens Project
New Era Colorado
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC)
Western Colorado Alliance
NAACP of Colorado
Conservation Colorado
ProgressNow Colorado
Movimiento Poder
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)
Urban Leadership Foundation
Colorado Cross Disability Coalition (CCDC)
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
Campaign Legal Center
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Colorado Fiscal Institute (CFI)
Epitome of Black Excellence
Arc of Colorado
Center for People With Disabilities
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
The Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities
Colorado Foundation for Universal Healthcare

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