

Open and Accountable Government

Coloradans need a strong, independent body to monitor and enforce public ethics.

We are dedicated to making our government open and accountable.

In 2006, Colorado voters passed Amendment 41 which created a revolutionary new structure to enforce ethics in government. The Colorado Independent Ethics Commission was established to advance an ethical culture and increase awareness of ethical issues in state and local government by hearing ethics complaints against state and local government officials and employees, issuing ethics advice, and providing training.

While creating the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission was an important first step, we now must work to ensure this body can properly function. As it stands now, the commission is underfunded, with only two staff and no investigators. As a result, investigating and prosecuting ethical cases falls to those who are filing the complaint which in many cases is a member of the public, with limited funding and expertise.

Join us in our fight for a strong, independent ethics commission that can hold our elected leaders accountable.


Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition:

Colorado Common Cause is a founding member of the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition (CFOIC). This non-partisan alliance works to ensure that all Coloradans understand and use the public’s rights of access to the records and proceedings of government. Visit the CFOIC’s website for tip sheets, videos and other resources to help you navigate Colorado’s open meetings and open records laws (

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.




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