

人工智能有可能增强选举虚假信息和其他反选民策略。我们需要一个大胆的改革议程来反击。Common Cause 致力于推动人工智能的透明度和问责制,以支持我们的民主。

Artificial Intelligence (AI), deepfakes, and other emerging technologies pose a serious threat to our democracy and our elections that many policymakers simply are not prepared to address. In a few clicks, bad actors can create deceptive content about candidates or impersonate election officials—then spread those lies like wildfire. We need transparency and accountability from social media platforms, news organizations, and Artificial Intelligence companies themselves to make sure our democracy does not fall victim to a deluge of AI-powered disinformation.

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‘Deepfakes’ and AI content: Colorado lawmakers dive into new tech ahead of November elections


‘Deepfakes’ and AI content: Colorado lawmakers dive into new tech ahead of November elections

“The availability of generative AI tools makes it easier than ever to spread false information and propaganda with little resources and at a large scale, leaving voters confused and further questioning what they see or hear,” (Belknap) said. “We can’t let generative AI go unchecked in political campaigns. In this increasingly complex information ecosystem, it’s critical that citizens have the tools to determine whether an image, video, or audio representation made by a candidate campaign is authentic and truthful.”


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