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168 resultados

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168 resultados

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Senate advances proposal to allow those on parole to vote

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Senate advances proposal to allow those on parole to vote

A provision in the 837-page special session bill implementing the state budget would allow people on parole to vote, completing a decade-long effort to end felony disenfranchisement in Connecticut.

Lawmakers attempted to restore access to the ballot box for people on parole during the regular legislative session that ended last week, but the omnibus bill failed to come up for a vote in the House. Instead, the bill — a wide-ranging proposal intended to broaden the state’s voting rules, allowing different state agencies to...

Causa común en Connecticut insta al gobernador Lamont a firmar un proyecto de ley que alivie la carga de las costosas llamadas telefónicas para las familias de las personas en prisión

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Causa común en Connecticut insta al gobernador Lamont a firmar un proyecto de ley que alivie la carga de las costosas llamadas telefónicas para las familias de las personas en prisión

Connecticut hizo historia como el primer estado del país cuya legislatura votó a favor de que las llamadas telefónicas desde las prisiones sean gratuitas, con la aprobación de la SB 972. Common Cause en Connecticut insta al gobernador Lamont a firmar la legislación sin demora.

Cannabis Bill Delayed Until Special Session

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Cannabis Bill Delayed Until Special Session

The promise of a special session offers a potential lifeline for any number of bills that do not pass before the deadline of midnight tonight. For instance, [Speaker of the House] Ritter said SB 5 would be included in the eventual implementer bill. That proposal, a host of updates to Connecticut voting laws, passed the Senate but was never raised by the House.

Ritter said that might not be the only thing that comes back. “We’ll be going over the list of things that both chambers want,” [Senate President] Looney said of...

CT shuffles toward referendum on no-excuse absentee voting

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CT shuffles toward referendum on no-excuse absentee voting

The Senate voted 27-9 Thursday night for final passage of a resolution that opens a multi-year process for voters to decide if the state Constitution should be amended to increase the General Assembly’s discretion over the use of absentee ballots.

At issue is a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow the legislature to authorize no-excuse absentee voting. Connecticut’s rules for absentee voting are among the most restrictive in the U.S. and they are enshrined in its constitution.

La enmienda constitucional sobre votación anticipada llega a los votantes

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La enmienda constitucional sobre votación anticipada llega a los votantes

El Senado de Connecticut aprobó la HJ 59, una enmienda constitucional que permite la votación anticipada en persona. Ahora se incluirá en la boleta de las elecciones generales de 2022. Si la mayoría de los votantes aprueba la enmienda, Connecticut permitirá la votación anticipada.

El Senado aprueba un proyecto de ley a favor de los votantes

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El Senado aprueba un proyecto de ley a favor de los votantes

Mientras que algunas legislaturas estatales están tratando de limitar la participación de los votantes, nuestra Asamblea General está trabajando para reducir las barreras y mejorar el acceso a la votación. El proyecto de ley aprobado hoy es una parte importante de ese esfuerzo, e instamos a la Cámara a aprobarlo rápidamente.

La Legislatura vota para poner fin a la manipulación de los distritos electorales en las prisiones

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La Legislatura vota para poner fin a la manipulación de los distritos electorales en las prisiones

La vergonzosa práctica, que se remonta a 230 años atrás, denominada “manipulación de los distritos electorales en las prisiones”, ha supuesto una redistribución injusta del poder. Las comunidades en las que se construyen prisiones han obtenido una participación desproporcionada en las elecciones de Connecticut a expensas de otras zonas.

Voting Rights Advocates Applaud Passage of Historic No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Legislation; Call for Immediate Action on Senate Bill 5

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Voting Rights Advocates Applaud Passage of Historic No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Legislation; Call for Immediate Action on Senate Bill 5

The Connecticut House voted 104-44 in favor of House Joint Resolution 58 - to allow for no-excuse absentee ballot voting in Connecticut. The resolution now heads to the Senate. The legislature will have to pass the resolution again next session for it to appear on the ballot in 2024.

Resolution to allow expanded absentee voting clears House

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Resolution to allow expanded absentee voting clears House

(...) The legislation passed the House on a 103 to 44 vote, with nine Republicans joining the Democrats in support. In order for the question to have appeared on the November 2022 ballot, the resolution needed 75% of the chamber’s support.

The resolution now awaits action in the Senate. (...) “It’s time to make this commonsense measure permanent. If the legislature doesn’t pass the no-excuse absentee ballot resolution this session, voters will quickly lose the rights they gained just months ago,” Cheri Quickmire,...

House approves early voting question for statewide decision in 2022

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House approves early voting question for statewide decision in 2022

HARTFORD — The often-emotional nationwide political battle over ballot access reached the state Capitol on Thursday, but the House of Representatives, in a bipartisan vote, approved legislation that could change the Connecticut Constitution and create procedures for early voting.



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