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CT News Junkie: New Law Will Shift Population, Investment

Waterbury will receive the largest boost in representation under a newly-adopted law counting prison inmates as members of voting districts where they lived prior to incarceration. The town of Enfield will see the largest decline under the change.

NBC CT: Connecticut Readies Redistricting Process, Will Count Inmates In Home Districts

“Representation is very important. We know that gerrymandering had taken place for years in this country,” Sen. Doug McCrory, D-Hartford, said. “When we do look at data, when we do look at drawing lines that has to be taken into consideration,“ McCrory says.

Voting & Elections 08.17.2021

New Haven Independent: Absentee Ballot Boxes To Stay Downtown

Newhallville voters deserve to have at least one of New Haven's four safe, secure absentee ballot drop boxes immediately moved to their neighborhood. Newhallville is the only New Haven ward with a Sept. 14, 2021 local primary election and especially with the Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus on the rise, residents should be able to participate in the election safely.

Census: State becoming more diverse

"'We need processes that prioritize, I guess, hearing from diverse populations in a way that we haven’t done before, and so we need to really think about how we can make that happen,' she said. 'This needs to be a priority because if people’s voices aren’t heard, then it’s not going to make the mapmaking process as inclusive as it needs to be.'"

CT Public Radio: Census End Kicks Off Redistricting Process

"The organization 'Common Cause' puts much of its focus on advocating for fairly drawn district lines. Common Cause Executive Director Cheri Quickmire joined 'All Things Considered' to share her thoughts on how the census results will affect redistricting statewide."

Census Data Shows Shifts In Connecticut’s Demographics

"The redistricting committee will also be the first to implement a new law adopted this year which requires incarcerated people to be counted as members of the voting districts where they lived before they were imprisoned..."

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