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A list of news coverage related to Common Cause in Connecticut's priority issues and advocacy work.

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Report finds 16 Connecticut legislators have joined ‘far-right’ Facebook groups

While Connecticut conservatives haven’t been so bold as elected officials in red states, their enrollment in the Facebook groups indicates the need for more public vigilance, said Cheri Quickmire, executive director of the election watchdog Common Cause in Connecticut. “Extremism isn’t only in certain states like Florida and Arkansas, but it’s alive in Connecticut,” Quickmire said Friday while reviewing the report. “I find this disturbing.” She recalled the controversy last year over the teaching of American history in Guilford schools that resulted in a coalition of Democrats and unaffiliated voters winning seats on the local Board of Education.

Voting & Elections 05.7.2022

Dominic Rapini wins SOTS endorsement after vote switching

"Republicans also expect a three-way primary for secretary of the state. Dominic A. Rapini of Branford won the endorsement, trailed by Brock L. Weber of New Britain and Rep. Terrie Wood of Darien."

Voting & Elections 05.7.2022

CT Democrats diversify in picks for treasurer and secretary of the state

"Rep. Stephanie Thomas got the endorsement for secretary of the state after several frantic hours of lobbying and vote-swapping at the Democratic convention in Hartford on Saturday. (...) She defeated an accomplished list of candidates including Sen. Matt Lesser of Middletown, Rep. Hilda Santiago of Meriden, Rep. Joshua Elliott of Hamden and New Haven’s Health Director Maritza Bond. (...) All three Democratic candidates for state treasurer, and four of the five candidates for secretary of the state, earned a spot on the primary ballot..."

Voting & Elections 04.21.2022

Advocates explained that SB 471 could be a huge step forward, especially for communities of color.

HARTFORD, Conn — With about two weeks left in the general session, voter advocate organizations and leaders gathered outside the state Capitol on Thursday to urge lawmakers to pass a voter's rights act in Connecticut. "This bill gives Connecticut the strongest protection against voting discrimination of any state law ever," explained Steven Lance, Policy Counsel with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Advocates explained that SB 471 could be a huge step forward, especially for communities of color.

Voting & Elections 04.1.2022

Candidates in the race for Connecticut Secretary of the State differ on allowing prisoners to vote

"Several Democrats and an independent running for the open seat of Secretary of the State are divided on how far Connecticut should expand access to voting. During an online forum organized by the liberal advocacy group Common Cause, the candidates were asked if they would support ballot access for people behind bars..."

Voting & Elections 04.1.2022

Secretary of the State candidates discuss, early voting, ranked-choice

"All the candidates supported the Voting Rights Act bill that moved out of committee this week. The bill aims to remove barriers to voting that impact people of color and other social-equity impediments. 'Voter suppression is not just a problem in Georgia, Alabama and Texas,' said Lesser, who wrote the bill. 'Some municipalities have problems, they run out of ballots, there are inadequate instructions on voter requirements, and redistricting. This bill will change a lot and provide a real opportunity.'"

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