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For media inquiries please contact: Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director. Ph: 860.549.1220, cquickmire@commoncause.org or Dera Silvestre, Communications Strategist. Ph: 617-807-4032, dsilvestre@commoncause.org

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Common Cause in Connecticut Defends Citizens’ Election Program from Political Attacks

Common Cause in Connecticut calls on gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski to stop trying to score cheap political points attacking the state’s landmark Citizens’ Election Program that was signed into law by Connecticut’s last Republican Governor Jodi Rell.

Money & Influence 09.16.2017

Gov. Malloy MustVetoBudget Bill andProtect the Citizens' Election Program

In the strongest possible terms, Common Cause in Connecticut and the League of Women Voters of Connecticut condemns the the Connecticut legislators who voted to destroy Connecticut’s landmark Citizens’ Election Program (CEP) in last night's budget votes. Governor Malloy must protect the program and veto this harmful budget. 

Ethics 09.15.2016

Commissioner Wade recuses herself from Cigna-Anthem merger

Common Cause asked months ago that Commissioner Wade recuse herself from any consideration of the merger, so of course we’re pleased she has finally done so.

Money & Influence 08.5.2015

Common Cause: Democrats Are Not Above the Law

Common Cause in Connecticut calls on the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee (CDSCC) to drop its challenges to the state’s successful Clean Elections Law, the latest lawsuit filed in Superior Court Monday.


How badly has Citizens United damaged our democracy?

Bill Moyer explores a new report from the Brennan Center on just how bad things have gotten.

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