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Common Cause in CT Denounces Reports of Request for “Vote Challengers”

The Meriden Record Journal reported Nov. 2nd that the Republican candidate for governor has requested challengers in cities his campaign is targeting.

Statement of Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director, Common Cause in Connecticut

Every American citizen expects and deserves to cast a ballot, free from intimidation.

I was distressed to read in The Meriden Record-Journal on Friday, Nov. 2, 2018 that the Republican candidate for governor — Bob Stefanowski — has requested challengers in the cities his campaign is targeting.

The article, Stefanowski Campaign Requests Challengers at Polls, may be found online here:

The call to challenge voter eligibility by Bob Stefanowski is a desperate act. Connecticut voters must answer by turning out in large numbers to vote. Stefanowski should be working to strengthen get-out-the-vote efforts in Connecticut, instead of trying to intimidate those who may vote against him.

Challengers are not necessary in Connecticut, where poll workers are trained and prepared to address eligibility issues. Voters may report any problems at the polls to the state hotline 1-866-SEEC-INFO (1-866-733-2463), staffed by the Secretary of State and State Elections Enforcement Commission, as well as 800-OUR-VOTE, staffed by trained volunteers.

Common Cause in Connecticut will also have election protection volunteers stationed at polling places to assist voters.



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