

Featured Press
Voting Rights Group: Too Soon to Abandon Early Voting

Press Release

Voting Rights Group: Too Soon to Abandon Early Voting

"Without a high-stakes election or any funding to educate the public, it is too soon for the Secretary of the State to abandon early voting."

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Looney, Duff (opinion): Voting rights must be expanded, not restricted

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Looney, Duff (opinion): Voting rights must be expanded, not restricted

"The 2020 election season was a triumph for democracy in Connecticut, due in part to the temporary enactment of no-excuse absentee ballot voting, because we knew it would be reckless and irresponsible to ask Connecticut residents to potentially expose themselves to COVID-19 in order to vote. What’s more, the rejection rate of absentee ballots was the lowest in recent history, just 0.94 percent..."

Now is the time to expand access to the ballot in Connecticut

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Now is the time to expand access to the ballot in Connecticut

It is time for Connecticut to move from being one of the most restrictive states in the country to becoming a state that makes sure that every voter can participate without unnecessary barriers to voting, and we can do it this year.

Secretary of the State: Poll of Connecticut Voters Shows Broad, Bipartisan Support for Early Voting; Expanding Access to Absentee Ballots; Common-Sense Voting Reforms

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Secretary of the State: Poll of Connecticut Voters Shows Broad, Bipartisan Support for Early Voting; Expanding Access to Absentee Ballots; Common-Sense Voting Reforms

79% of voters support Early Voting; 73% of voters support giving all voters the option to vote by absentee ballot without needing an excuse. 77% of Connecticut voters support Automatic Voter Registration; 66% of voters support allowing voters on parole to regain their right to vote.

NBC Connecticut: Lawmakers to Tackle Early Voting, Absentee Ballots

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NBC Connecticut: Lawmakers to Tackle Early Voting, Absentee Ballots

Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director of Common Cause in Connecticut, discusses the state legislature's plans to debate proposed resolutions to change Connecticut’s constitution to allow no-excuse absentee voting and early voting.

Common Cause in Connecticut Supports Secretary of the State Merrill’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Codify Absentee Ballot Expansion & Allow Early Voting; Applauds Smooth Election Amid Unprecedented Pandemic

Press Release

Common Cause in Connecticut Supports Secretary of the State Merrill’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Codify Absentee Ballot Expansion & Allow Early Voting; Applauds Smooth Election Amid Unprecedented Pandemic

"We can take action now so all future Connecticut elections are safe, accessible and convenient. From common sense reforms like automatic voter registration to a permanent expansion of non-excuse absentee ballot voting, we must continue to expand voting access at a time when many are actively seeking to restrict it."

NBC CT: A Day at the Polls: Voting Advocates, Officials Reflect on Election Day

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NBC CT: A Day at the Polls: Voting Advocates, Officials Reflect on Election Day

“Roving poll monitors” like Cindy Dubuque-Gallo of Hartford were tasked by the nonpartisan group to check in on the voting experience at polling locations around the state.
“We had challenges in couple of other cities and towns, but I feel really positive about how it went,” said Common Cause of Connecticut’s Executive Director Cheri Quickmire.

CT Viewpoints: It’s time to unlock the vote for those on parole

News Clip

CT Viewpoints: It’s time to unlock the vote for those on parole

"Disenfranchising people on parole creates a racist system of political inequality that functions much like older, racially unequal voting barriers such as literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and poll taxes."


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