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Завтра: Национальный день регистрации избирателей — вторник, 17 сентября.


Завтра: Национальный день регистрации избирателей — вторник, 17 сентября.

Организация Common Cause в Коннектикуте призывает всех имеющих право голоса и действующих избирателей зарегистрироваться или обновить свою регистрацию в Национальный день регистрации избирателей, во вторник, 17 сентября.

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Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег

Кэти Скалли

Директор по коммуникациям

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Коалиция за гражданские права и законодатели Коннектикута объединяются, призывая к принятию законопроекта об избирательных правах SB 471


Коалиция за гражданские права и законодатели Коннектикута объединяются, призывая к принятию законопроекта об избирательных правах SB 471

«В июне исполнится девять долгих лет с тех пор, как Верховный суд выпотрошил ключевые положения федерального Закона об избирательных правах. В отсутствие действий Сената по исправлению закона пришло время штатам действовать вместо него».

Candidates in the race for Connecticut Secretary of the State differ on allowing prisoners to vote

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Candidates in the race for Connecticut Secretary of the State differ on allowing prisoners to vote

"Several Democrats and an independent running for the open seat of Secretary of the State are divided on how far Connecticut should expand access to voting.

During an online forum organized by the liberal advocacy group Common Cause, the candidates were asked if they would support ballot access for people behind bars..."

Secretary of the State candidates discuss, early voting, ranked-choice

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Secretary of the State candidates discuss, early voting, ranked-choice

"All the candidates supported the Voting Rights Act bill that moved out of committee this week. The bill aims to remove barriers to voting that impact people of color and other social-equity impediments.

'Voter suppression is not just a problem in Georgia, Alabama and Texas,' said Lesser, who wrote the bill. 'Some municipalities have problems, they run out of ballots, there are inadequate instructions on voter requirements, and redistricting. This bill will change a lot and provide a real opportunity.'"

Forum for Secretary of the State Candidates Hosted by Common Cause in Connecticut


Forum for Secretary of the State Candidates Hosted by Common Cause in Connecticut

Issues covered during the forum included: a Ban on Foreign Spending on State Ballot Referendums; a Connecticut Voting Rights Act; legislation to create a task force to study the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting in Connecticut; implementation of Early voting if approved by voters on November 8, 2022; Risk-Limiting Audits; and Restoration of Voting Rights to Incarcerated Voters.

Absentee Ballot Bill Headed To Governor’s Desk

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Absentee Ballot Bill Headed To Governor’s Desk

The state Senate gave final passage Wednesday to a bill expanding the conditions under which Connecticut voters can qualify for an absentee ballot, making mail-in voting easier for commuters and residents worried about illnesses.

The Senate sent the bill to the governor’s desk on a 30 to 4 vote Wednesday afternoon. The House approved the legislation on a bipartisan basis last week.

Although Connecticut’s constitution contains language explicitly outlining a handful of excuses a voter must use in order to...

75 лидеров низовых организаций и групп призывают руководителей законодательных органов принять повестку дня «Свобода голосования»


75 лидеров низовых организаций и групп призывают руководителей законодательных органов принять повестку дня «Свобода голосования»

«Избиратели Коннектикута заслуживают абсолютно наилучшей версии демократии; вот почему мы — коалиция добросовестных правительственных групп и других организаций, разделяющих это видение, — пишем сегодня, чтобы настоятельно призвать наших законодательных лидеров отдать приоритет этим трем реформам «свободы голоса» с первого дня очередной законодательной сессии 2022 года».

Daily Beast: The One State That Could Actually Expand Voting Rights

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Daily Beast: The One State That Could Actually Expand Voting Rights

“We do have a right to vote that’s constitutionally guaranteed, but the state constitution prevents early voting and no-excuse absentee voting, reducing the ability of a lot of eligible voters to vote,” said Cheri Quickmire, executive director of the Connecticut chapter of Common Cause, a nonprofit watchdog group that works to promote equal access to government and the vote. “This is really an opportunity for the state to extend that opportunity for more people to actually be able to vote—it is really about securing our democracy.”

Connecticut Supreme Court adopts expert’s redistricting plan

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Connecticut Supreme Court adopts expert’s redistricting plan

the Connecticut State Supreme Court has adopted a congressional redistricting plan, submitted by the court’s hired expert.

The new map makes mostly minor changes to the boundaries of the state’s five districts to accommodate population changes.

CT News Junkie: Democratic Lawmakers Plan Quick Action on Absentee Ballot Voting

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CT News Junkie: Democratic Lawmakers Plan Quick Action on Absentee Ballot Voting

Democratic legislative leaders may expedite a bill in the next several weeks to allow expanded absentee ballot voting in this year’s elections, mirroring temporary policies adopted during the past two years as a result of the COVID pandemic.

“Voting is the fundamental right underlying our entire democracy,” majority Democrats said in a joint statement Wednesday. “While other states are restricting voting rights, we will take action to ensure that everyone that was able to vote before COVID will continue to be able to...

Stamford Advocate: COVID cannot be used for absentee ballots in CT special elections

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Stamford Advocate: COVID cannot be used for absentee ballots in CT special elections

“This is another example of why we need no-excuse absentee voting,” said Cheri Quickmire, executive director of Common Cause in Connecticut, the voter-advocacy and elections watchdog organization.

Quickmire said Wednesday that last year, the state had a chance to put a constitutional amendment supporting universal mail-in balloting on the 2022 ballot, but it did not get enough Republican support to reach the 75-percent super majority.

CT Mirror: Special master recommends tweaks to Connecticut congressional map

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CT Mirror: Special master recommends tweaks to Connecticut congressional map

A Connecticut congressional map recommended Tuesday by a court-appointed special master makes minimal changes in the racial, political and geographic features of districts that have produced only Democratic victories since 2008.

The map drawn by Nathaniel Persily, a Stanford political scientist and law professor, was not unexpected, given the state Supreme Court’s directive that he make only the changes necessary to equalize the population of the five districts.

Connecticut’s Secretary of the State job is open for the first time in 12 years and nine candidates are considering a run

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Connecticut’s Secretary of the State job is open for the first time in 12 years and nine candidates are considering a run

With an open seat for the first time in 12 years, at least nine candidates are running to become Connecticut’s next Secretary of the State.

When three-term incumbent Denise Merrill announced that she was not seeking reelection, the scramble began on both sides of the political aisle because openings for statewide constitutional offices are relatively rare. A total of seven Democrats and two Republicans are interested in running for the job.


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