Thực đơn

Bảo vệ Chương trình Bầu cử của Công dân

Common Cause ở Connecticut dẫn đầu việc thông qua Chương trình bầu cử của công dân. Chúng tôi đang chống lại những nỗ lực của các nhóm lợi ích lớn nhằm phá hoại hoặc xóa bỏ chương trình này.

After campaign finance scandals earned our state the nickname “Corrupticut,” Common Cause in Connecticut spearheaded passage of the Citizens’ Election Program, magnifying the power of small dollar donors and allowing people of modest means to seek and win public office. In 2021 we helped pass legislation allowing CEP funds to be used for childcare costs – a commonsense reform of the program that will make it more likely that parents of young children will be able to run for office.

We continue to defend the program against the efforts of big money interests to remove it from the state budget.

Since we helped establish it in 2005, the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP) has helped ensure more competitive elections and a more diverse and representative legislature in Hartford. When the Connecticut General Assembly passed the Citizens’ Election Program, it invited aspiring candidates to run for office without being beholden to special interests. Anyone seeking statewide office may apply for a grant of public funds after raising sufficient qualifying contributions. The Citizens’ Election Program has more than proved its worth, and the vast majority of candidates for State Representative, State Senate, and Constitutional office now run “clean.”

Tham gia cùng chúng tôi

Fight For Better Elections

Sign up to stay up-to-date on the fight for citizen-funded elections in Connecticut, including volunteer opportunities and legislative updates.

Sự hỗ trợ tài chính của bạn giúp chúng tôi tạo ra tác động bằng cách giữ quyền lực chịu trách nhiệm và củng cố nền dân chủ.

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