

Featured Press
Voting Rights Group: Too Soon to Abandon Early Voting

Press Release

Voting Rights Group: Too Soon to Abandon Early Voting

"Without a high-stakes election or any funding to educate the public, it is too soon for the Secretary of the State to abandon early voting."

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CT News Junkie: Voters Say ‘Yes’ To Early Voting

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CT News Junkie: Voters Say ‘Yes’ To Early Voting

“Voter approval of the early voting amendment is a huge win for Connecticut. Voting should never be an ordeal for any citizen; on November 8 Connecticut made it much easier for citizens to exercise their most fundamental democratic right,” Diana Evans, Common Cause in Connecticut Advisory Board member, said.

Voting Rights Advocates Celebrate Early Lead on Question 1

Press Release

Voting Rights Advocates Celebrate Early Lead on Question 1

Common Cause Connecticut and a coalition of voting rights advocates celebrated the positive first round of election results for Question 1, a major step in establishing early voting in the state.

Early voting is on the ballot in CT, a key issue for Black and Latino residents

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Early voting is on the ballot in CT, a key issue for Black and Latino residents

“If you go after work, be prepared to wait in line,” said Foster in her soft Jamaican accent, near picnic tables topped with sorrel, ginger beer and palm-sized coconut pies — all of which she made herself. The well-regarded vendor has stayed civically active during her 35 years living in the predominantly Black and Latino city, often finding it helpful to plan in advance for Election Day.

Foster, who assists her 96-year-old father to the polls, knows first-hand the difficulties people experience trying to cast ballots,...

We can make it easier to vote in Connecticut

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We can make it easier to vote in Connecticut

"Folks in Connecticut like to brag that their state is one of the leaders in the nation in voter turnout. But those bragging rights belong to others instead.

In fact, Connecticut’s voter turnout lagged behind 15 other states in 2020 despite the state’s having the fifth highest level of educational attainment in the U.S. A likely reason for this underperformance: voting is considerably easier in almost every other state than it is here.

The good news is that we will soon have a chance to make it much easier for...

Letter to the Editor

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Letter to the Editor

I am writing in support of voting YES on the following referendum question on the ballot in Connecticut on November 8, 2022: “Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?”

Without amending the Constitution, voters who want to vote in person will continue to be restricted to voting on Election Day only. Voting YES results in giving the General Assembly the ability to pass legislation on voting in person on days prior to Election Day. Voting YES does not implement,...

Their claims of voter fraud were denied. Now this CT group is looking to delete dead registered voters.

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Their claims of voter fraud were denied. Now this CT group is looking to delete dead registered voters.

Timothy DeCarlo, the Republican registrar for the city of Waterbury, recently warned top election officials in the secretary of the state's office that Fight Voter Fraud is demanding the removal of voters from the rolls on the basis of sometimes flimsy pretenses. "The information that they are including on each voter lacks a great deal of information, especially the 'obituary' that they are including on each voter," DeCarlo wrote during the summer, adding that he was concerned people who are alive could be scrubbed from the rolls because there...

On the ballot: early voting

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On the ballot: early voting

Cheri Quickmire, executive director of Common Cause Connecticut, a nonprofit that works for "open, honest and accountable government," said early voting is long overdue in Connecticut.

“When we talk with people about this it always sounds to them like a real no-brainier: ‘Of course we should do this,’ and ‘why in the world don’t we have it,’” she said. “We are anticipating that being the case this time at the polling place. People are ready to say that they think we should have early voting.”

OP-ED | 46 States Allow Early Voting And Connecticut Should, Too; Vote Yes On Ballot Question 1

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OP-ED | 46 States Allow Early Voting And Connecticut Should, Too; Vote Yes On Ballot Question 1

"Life is complicated. Stuff happens. Cars break down. People get sick. Traffic is heavy. The caregiver doesn’t show up. The train from Grand Central is running late. Sleet has made driving hazardous. A ride promised to a frail person doesn’t materialize. Unforeseen problems can and do occur.

Then there are folks who, when they see lines snaking out the door, turn around and leave because they can’t afford to wait. Unlike in countries where Election Day is on a weekend or is a national holiday, in this country Election Day...

Thomas, Rapini talk laws, integrity in CT Secretary of State debate

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Thomas, Rapini talk laws, integrity in CT Secretary of State debate

"The two leading candidates vying to become Connecticut’s next Secretary of the State, Democrat Stephanie Thomas and Republican Dominic Rapini, met Tuesday night to debate how the state operates its elections and how voters can access the ballot.
The meeting offered a clear picture of the differences between the two campaigns and their beliefs on early voting, absentee ballots, voter identification laws..."

A look at efforts to ease Connecticut’s “restrictive” voting laws

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A look at efforts to ease Connecticut’s “restrictive” voting laws

Common Cause in Connecticut executive director Cheri Quickmire also joins.

Common Cause was one of several advocacy organizations that has pushed for updates to Connecticut's voting protocols, signing a letter to Governor Lamont and legislators earlier this year.

They wrote, "Despite Connecticut’s progressive reputation, there are still discriminatory barriers to equal participation in our democracy for voters of color and people whose first language is not English, particularly at the local level. In fact,...

CT is one of only four states without early voting – the former secretary of the state is trying to change that

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CT is one of only four states without early voting – the former secretary of the state is trying to change that

“I couldn’t really walk away from this,” said Merrill, who expects to work with another group that filed with the SEEC last month called Vote for Democracy. Cheri Quickmire, executive director of Common Cause in Connecticut, the election watchdog who is a member of that group, said she expects Vote for Democracy to work hand-in-hand with Yes for Freedom to Vote Early.

“We’re looking forward to combining our efforts and make sure this amendment passes at the ballot box and comes back to the General Assembly to hammer...


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