
明天:全国选民登记日是 9 月 17 日星期二


明天:全国选民登记日是 9 月 17 日星期二

康涅狄格州共同事业组织鼓励所有符合资格的现有选民在全国选民登记日(9 月 17 日星期二)进行登记或更新他们的登记。






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168 个结果





168 个结果



NBC CT: A Day at the Polls: Voting Advocates, Officials Reflect on Election Day


NBC CT: A Day at the Polls: Voting Advocates, Officials Reflect on Election Day

“Roving poll monitors” like Cindy Dubuque-Gallo of Hartford were tasked by the nonpartisan group to check in on the voting experience at polling locations around the state.
“We had challenges in couple of other cities and towns, but I feel really positive about how it went,” said Common Cause of Connecticut’s Executive Director Cheri Quickmire.

CT Viewpoints: It’s time to unlock the vote for those on parole


CT Viewpoints: It’s time to unlock the vote for those on parole

"Disenfranchising people on parole creates a racist system of political inequality that functions much like older, racially unequal voting barriers such as literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and poll taxes."

New Report: Amplifying Small-Dollar Donors in the Citizens United Era


New Report: Amplifying Small-Dollar Donors in the Citizens United Era

Analysis shows how Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program shifted the balance of power to the people, diversified the legislature and led to better policies for everyday Americans in its first decade.

NBC Connecticut: ‘Save the Post Office’ Rally Held in Hartford


NBC Connecticut: ‘Save the Post Office’ Rally Held in Hartford

On Saturday, August 22, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. at the Old State House Post Office people from all walks of life who were determined to defend the essential services provided by the United States Postal Service—including delivery of live-saving prescription drugs, disability checks, our ability to vote by mail and so many others—pushed back on the Trump administration’s attacks by organizing a grassroots action outside the post office at the Old State House post office.

Vernon reverses course, will accept dropbox for absentee ballots


Vernon reverses course, will accept dropbox for absentee ballots

VERNON — After a dispute with state officials over the use of a ballot dropbox issued by the Secretary of the State’s office to be used for absentee ballots, the town will now accept one, which will be placed outside Town Hall, according to a letter submitted Thursday by Town Attorney Louis A. Spadaccini to Deputy Secretary of the State Scott D. Bates.

Vernon officials initially resisted having a dropbox, telling the state that they would instead allow in-person absentee ballots to be cast through a window at the front of...

Protect the Citizens’ Election Program: There is No Going Back to the Wild West


Protect the Citizens’ Election Program: There is No Going Back to the Wild West

The landmark Citizens’ Election Program represents the most comprehensive and successful effort to remove special interest money from the political system undertaken by any state in U.S. history. Since the launch of the program, Connecticut has made enormous progress, transforming Connecticut from an example of rampant wrongdoing after years of scandal or “Corrupticut,” to a national model.  It is not an overstatement to say that Americans across the nation look to our state as a model for the future of democracy. 

Charter School Industry Attempts to Buy Public Policy and Undermine Democracy in Connecticut with Array of PACs


Charter School Industry Attempts to Buy Public Policy and Undermine Democracy in Connecticut with Array of PACs

Wealthy individuals with ties to the charter school industry used charter school Super PACs to shift control of public education into private hands, enriching themselves, attempting to weaken teacher unions, communities of color and democracy in the process.

Common Cause in Connecticut and Connecticut Citizen Action Group researched who spent large sums to influence the state’s public education system with “independent expenditures” to charter school Super PACs.

How Super PACs are Undermining Democracy in Connecticut


How Super PACs are Undermining Democracy in Connecticut

In a comprehensive review of all reported Independent Expenditures through October 11th, entitled “Who is Buying Your Election? A Pre-Election Guide to Connecticut Super PACs,” Common Cause in Connecticut and CT Citizen Action Group (CCAG) shine a light on how dirty money is corrupting the principle of one person one vote in Connecticut.

Common Cause in Connecticut Defends Citizens’ Election Program from Political Attacks


Common Cause in Connecticut Defends Citizens’ Election Program from Political Attacks

Common Cause in Connecticut calls on gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski to stop trying to score cheap political points attacking the state’s landmark Citizens’ Election Program that was signed into law by Connecticut’s last Republican Governor Jodi Rell.


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