
Maddows Transparenz-Teach-in mit dem Anwalt aus der Watergate-Ära Philip Lacovara

Rachel Maddow erteilte der Nation eine wichtige Geschichtsstunde mit dem Mann, der mit zwei wichtigen Entscheidungen für Transparenz in der Watergate-Ära Geschichte schrieb: Philip Lacovara.

Rachel Maddow gave the nation a teach-in for this important historical moment that includes a  very rare interview with the attorney, Philip Lacovara, who won two important transparency decisions from the Supreme Court in the Watergate-era.  He then resigned when President Ford pardoned the resigned former-President Nixon, unable to serve a government that would forgive his crimes. Lacovara had been a staunch supporter of President Nixon.

Imagine that?

Segment 1

Segment 2



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