
Democracy Reform Is On The Ballot In 2016

List of 2016 pro-democracy ballot measures Common Cause is working on and watching

Voters from coast to coast will vote on pro-democracy reform measures in the 2016 election. Here are a few that Common Cause is supporting and/or working on:


  • Automatic Voter Registration (Measure 1): This initiative would allow voters to be automatically registered to vote when they apply for the permanent fund dividend (PFD), a yearly dividend funded by oil wealth that is received by nearly 90% of the Alaskan population. The measure has bipartisan support, including the endorsement of both of Alaska’s Republican U.S. senators, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan.


  • Strengthening Legislative Transparency (Proposition 54): California Common Cause is co-leading a campaign to pass Proposition 54, which would strengthen transparency in the state legislature and increase citizens’ access to information.
  • Overturning Citizens United (Proposition 59): California Common Cause is co-leading a campaign to pass Proposition 59, which calls on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision.
  • Berkeley Citizen Funded Elections (Measure XI): California Common Cause is co-leading a campaign to create a more representative and accountable government in Berkeley with a citizen funded elections program.
  • Sacramento Redistricting Reform (Measure L): California Common Cause is supporting Measure L, which would create an independent citizens-led redistricting commission to draw city council districts. 
  • San Francisco Lobbying & Ethics Reform (Proposition T): California Common Cause is supporting Proposition T, which would strengthen the city’s lobbying and ethics laws to create a more accountable government.


  • Howard County Citizen Funded Elections (Question A): Common Cause Maryland is leading a campaign to create a more representative and accountable government in Howard County with citizen funded elections.


  • Ranked Choice Voting (Question 5): This initiative would take on political polarization and establish statewide ranked choice voting.


  • Contribution Limits (Amendment 2): This initiative would establish limits on campaign contributions for state and judicial candidates, committees, and political parties.


  • Benton County Ranked Choice Voting (Measure 2-100): This initiative would take on political polarization and establish ranked choice voting in Benton County.

Rhode Island

  • Ethics Reform (Question 2): Common Cause Rhode Island is leading the campaign to pass Question 2, which would restore the Ethics Commission’s constitutional authority to police ethics violations by members of the General Assembly.


  • Anti-Corruption Act (Measure 22): This initiative would put limits on donations from parties, political action committees, and lobbyists, require more transparency, and institute other money in politics reforms.
  • Redistricting Reform (Amendment T): This initiative would create a statewide independent redistricting commission. 


  • Overturning Citizens United (Initiative 735): This initiative calls on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision.
  • Accountability & Transparency (Initiative 1464): This initiative includes a menu of changes that includes publicly funded vouchers and a ban on large campaign contributions from lobbyists and public contractors.



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