
Common Cause Joins Over 80 Organizations Asking eBay to Leave ALEC

Common Cause joined over 80 organizations on Tuesday in asking eBay to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group.

Common Cause joined over 80 organizations on Tuesday in asking eBay to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group.

In einem letter to eBay executives, the coalition partners cited ALEC’s extreme agenda, including its denial of the impact of climate change and its opposition to net neutrality. They also complained that ALEC hides its role in writing state laws. A Common Cause complaint to the IRS challenges ALEC’s status as a nonprofit, charitable organization and asserts the group functions as a lobby for its corporate members.

“ALEC is a corporate lobby that masquerades as a charity and uses its non-profit tax status to evade lobbying disclosure laws,” said Common Cause President Miles Rapoport. “It supports a radical policy agenda that would have government ignore climate change, block localities from guaranteeing workers a living wage, and dismantle programs that offer a helping hand to victims of racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination. Ebay should join the dozens of companies that have severed ties with ALEC.”

The letter urges eBay to follow the example set by Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yahoo, International Paper, Occidental Petroleum, News Corporation, and, all companies that recently have announced that they have left ALEC or plan to depart soon. Additionally, Uber and Lyft, two prospective ALEC members whose representatives attended ALEC’s most recent annual meeting, told Common Cause they have no plans to join, participate, or fund ALEC.

ALEC brings state legislators and corporate lobbyists together in private, often at lavish resort hotels, to fashion legislative proposals that advance the interests of its corporate members, frequently at the expense of the general public.

Since 2011, more than 90 corporations and at least 400 state legislators have dropped their memberships in ALEC.

Organizations signing the letter to eBay include environmental, labor, religious, citizen action, and public interest groups.

The list of organizations who have signed the letter is below:

Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA)
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU)
Amerikanische Familienstimmen
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Amerikaner für demokratisches Handeln (ADA)
Americans United for Change
Asiatisch-Pazifisch-Amerikanische Gewerkschaft AFL-CIO (APALA)
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Boston Common Asset Management
Campaign for America’s Future (CAF)
Campaign to Unload
Catholics United
Zentrum für effektive Regierung
Center for Media & Democracy/ALEC Exposed
Christopher Reynolds Foundation
Climate Parents
Gemeinsame Ursache
Kommunikationsarbeiter von Amerika (CWA)
Corporate Accountability International
Bürger für Verantwortung und Ethik in Washington (CREW)
CREDO Action
Democracy for America
Dignity Health
Environmental Defense Fund
Families USA
Forecast The Facts
Friends Fiduciary Corporation
Friends of the Earth U.S.
Global Exchange
Green Century Capital Management
In The Public Interest
Internationale Bruderschaft der Teamster
Jobs mit Gerechtigkeit
Liga der Naturschutzwähler
Midwest Coalition for Responsible investment
Money Out Voters In
Montana Environmental Information Center
National Council of Churches USA
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
Nationale Bildungsvereinigung (NEA)
Nationales Arbeitsrechtsprojekt (NELP)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment
PAX World Management
Menschen für den amerikanischen Weg
Progress Arizona
Fortschritt Florida
Progress Iowa
Progress Missouri
Progress Now
Progress Ohio
Progress Virginia
Public Campaign
Responsible Endowments Coalition
Internationale Gewerkschaft der Dienstleistungsangestellten (SEIU)
Sierra Club
Sierra Student Coalition
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Soziale Sicherheit funktioniert
Stand Up To ALEC
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
Gewerkschaft der Lebensmittel- und Handelsarbeiter (UFCW)
Vereinigte Stahlarbeiter (USW)
US Action
We Act Radio
Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Coalition for Responsible Investment
Arbeitendes Amerika
Zevin Asset Management



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