
Sagen Sie dem Kongress: Wohlhabende Spender sollten unseren Obersten Gerichtshof nicht kontrollieren

Die abgeschwächten Offenlegungsvorschriften der Judicial Conference sind inakzeptabel und werden es wohlhabenden Spendern leichter machen, sich heimlich Einfluss auf den Obersten Gerichtshof zu erkaufen – auf Kosten der einfachen Amerikaner.

Dem muss der Kongress jetzt ein Ende bereiten, indem er das Gesetz zur Ethik, Ablehnung und Transparenz des Obersten Gerichtshofs verabschiedet und den strengstmöglichen Verhaltenskodex für unser höchstes Gericht schafft.


Supreme Court justices just got the green light to continue being wined and dined by billionaires, special interests, and big corporations – and now they don’t even have to disclose most of it to the public! 

That’s right: despite public outcry over Justice Clarence Thomas accepting luxury trips from conservative billionaire Harlan Crow, the Judicial Conference – which oversees federal courts – just made it easier for wealthy donors to secretly influence our highest court. [1]

These new loosened rules would likely allow Justice Thomas to get away with hiding several of his previous stays at Harlan Crow’s properties. [1]

We deserve better than this. With the stroke of a pen, the Supreme Court makes far-reaching decisions on reproductive rights, environmental protections, the freedom to vote, and so much more – affecting millions of people every day. 

We deserve the full truth about the lavish gifts megadonors provide justices with – and what, if anything, they expect to get in return.

With your help, we can uncover their attempts to curry favor with justices by passing a strong Supreme Court Code of Conduct to hold justices to the same high ethical standards as every other federal judge.

Add your name to urge Congress to finally pass a REAL, enforceable Supreme Court Code of Conduct. 




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