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Gerrymander Gazette: Making a new redistricting calendar work for democracy

Rangfolgewahl in New York verabschiedet!

Bei den NYC-Wahlen 2021 kommt das Ranked Choice Voting!

Democracy Counts Newsletter, June 2019

Democracy Counts Newsletter – May 2019

Newsmax: Conservative Columnist Evolves on Public Financing

It took 40 years, but conservative columnist Paul DeLespinasse of Corvallis, Oregon, evolves on public financing and Common Cause. Democracy Wire welcomes the author to the right side of history and adds our thanks to Newsmax where this piece was first published.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, April 2019

Yes, it's April Fools, but the Census is far from an April fools joke.

Nachrichten Blues

Ich leide unter einem schlimmen Nachrichtenblues. Der Journalismus wird schnell zu einer riesigen Einöde, was an die einfühlsame Charakterisierung des Fernsehens durch den großen Newt Minow in den frühen 60er Jahren erinnert. Nachrichtenredaktionen im ganzen Land sind ausgehöhlt oder in vielen Fällen geschlossen.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, January 2019

“Fake” News Isn’t Only Issue Facing Media and Our Democracy

So-called "fake" news isn't the only issue people should be concerned about with respect to the media. Even real news has an "infotainment" quality that lends itself to a herd mentality and the corporate mergers that consolidate decision-making in distant corporate HQ that care more about profit and dividends than covering city hall or the school board.



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